Binge Free Holidays: Find Peace and Joy Beyond the Food

A 2-Day Virtual Event for smart, successful women to rediscover the magic of the holidays and find true lasting peace with food. 

Access the Replays

Experience the holidays in a brand new way.

The holidays can be stressful - too much to do, not enough time, and food EVERYWHERE!

This year can be different. You can experience joy and peace - in life and with food. I want to show you how.

What you can expect to unlock:

  • The Brain: Discover how the brain works in a simple yet profoundly powerful way.

  • Connection: Learn how to connect and communicate with your body and how to uncover your unmet needs.

  • Peace: Learn how to create inner peace no matter how long your to-do list is or what food is in front of you.

  • Joy: Rediscover the joy and magic you experienced around the holidays like you did as a child.

  • Understanding: Discover what is holding you back so that you can finally break free.

PLUS - I’ll even show you how to shift your fears with the holiday food you find the most challenging!

What will you discover?

What you’ll do in this workshop…

DAY #1: Understanding your Brain

  • Discover simple yet powerful brain science so you can understand why you do what you do with food

  • Learn easy and effective strategies to implement in the moments you want to binge

  • Connect with the childlike part of you that is longing for more joy and peace in life

DAY #2: Rediscovering Joy and Peace

  • Discover why you are still struggling with food so you can finally break free

  • Create inner peace no matter how long your to-do list is or what food is in front of you

  • How to rekindle joy and peace around the holidays so you can overcome overwhelm

PLUS - A hands on interactive workshop with the holiday food you fear the most so you can develop a new relationship with it

The event is over but you can access it ALL from the comfort of home.


Only $29

What makes this event different?

I deliver tools and concepts based in science that will lead you to lasting, transformative change.

I create an environment for you to feel safe and to understand that you are not broken.

I help you transform the way you see yourself and your behaviors so that you can shift from shame and judgment to curiosity, understanding and compassion.

I focus on what is going on inside both your body and your mind rather than focusing on what is going in your mouth, because it really is NOT about the food.

I give you a hands-on interactive experience with food in a safe and supportive environment. This is NOT another event where someone simply talks at you while you are doing 3 other things in the background with your camera turned off.

In this environment you aren’t simply learning, you are integrating the material and putting it into practice in real time with opportunities to ask questions and get support.

This is where true change and transformation happens. It’s in the doing - not just the learning.

Your Host

Jane is a Master Certified Binge Eating and Body Trust Coach. She had her first binge in college and spent 25 years trying to stop.

While excelling on the outside, she hid her internal food struggles with shame.

She went through numerous therapists, two rounds of intensive outpatient therapy at an eating disorders treatment center, and read all the books but still continued to feel out of control with food.

After discovering the missing pieces of safety and trust, Jane was able to transform her relationship with food and with her body. Now it is her passion and her mission to help other smart and successful women understand that they aren’t broken and to finally discover food freedom.

What Others Are Saying About Jane’s Events


  • The charge for the live event was $49. Because you won’t be able to attend live, I have dropped the cost to $29 to make it more accessible. Consider this the best gift you could give yourself this holiday. I find that when we commit to something financially, we are sometimes better able to ensure we show up with full intention - which is what will provide you with the change you are seeking.

  • You will receive a link to a webpage with all of the replay videos that you can access at any time. I have split the replays into shorter segments to make them easier to watch on your own schedule. You will also have access to the PDF of the slides and the worksheets created especially for this event.

  • Absolutely. This material is transformational if you take the time to do the exercises that I walk you through. It will be impactful if you simply listen and take in the new information, but when you apply what you have learned, this holiday can be completely different for you and everyone around you.

  • You get a link to a webpage with multiple videos, PDFs of the slides from both days, PDFs of the worksheets for you to complete on your own, and a replay of the binge food workshop. You will have access to all of these materials through 12/31/23.

  • You can recreate the interactive workshop for yourself through the replay experience. You will do this experiment with a holiday food that feels challenging to you. Detailed instructions are provided throughout the event. Together we will go through an experiment so that you can have an interaction with your holiday binge food in a brand new way. This exercise is transformative!

Copyright Jane Pilger Coaching 2023